Each day this week, I encourage you to read the short Scripture text below assigned to each day to help position your heart to treasure our Risen King.
What Does Faithful Christian Parenting Look Like?
The goal of parenting is the glory of God. We are parenting to raise Jesus worshippers. We are parenting to raise our 4 year-old and our 17 year-old to still be following Jesus when they are 22 and 35.
A Savior is Born
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is when God sends an angel to a lowly group of shepherds to make the greatest proclamation the world has ever heard! The angel said to the shepherds,
Did I Fail My Unbelieving Children?
Many in our church feel this pain every day. Many beat themselves up, feeling that they have personally failed their children spiritually–failed to raise them in the instruction of the Lord.
Security of the Believer
As pastor, one of the most asked questions I have been asked over the years is “can a person lose their salvation?”
Your Failures are Not Fatal
In the Screwtape Letters, author C.S. Lewis said this about Satan’s strategy: “Get Christians preoccupied with their failures. From there the battle is won.”
Symbolism of Sin in the Passover
I was reading through the Passover account in Exodus 12. This event was a foreshadowing of Jesus as the once-and-for-all sacrificial Lamb who would justify us by his death. But then I realized something while I was reading…
God Wrote A Book
I love the Bible. I love the words. I love the crunchy pages. I love covering those pages with the ink of my blue and red pen in the morning.
The Burden of Silence
Confession is hard on all of us. From youth, our sin nature pushes us to hide from our wrongdoing, deny, pass blame, or only take partial responsibility.
Looking for Treasure
Does your family ever make fun of the TV shows you watch? My family makes fun of my shows all the time!