Regardless of how you feel about Halloween, God has given you a golden opportunity to be gospel lights to your neighbors. This is the one time of year where our neighbors actually come to our door to be blessed.
“Who’s Your One?” PRAYER GUIDE
Prayer is at the center of every great evangelistic movement, and every movement is made up of everyday people. Use this guide to pray over the next 30 days for someone you know who needs the hope of the Gospel.
“I Grew up in a Christian Home…”
But if you’re anything like me, much of my life I didn’t believe that I had a story. At least not a story worth sharing. My life was pretty bland in my own eyes.
It Shouldn’t Be This Hard
Oddly enough, God had an answer for this in ancient Israel. He built in time periods that seemingly made chronic poverty impossible among the nation of Israel.
The Gospel Comes with a House Key
I know of them, sure, but I don’t know them. And that is what Jesus calls us to do. To do life with our neighbors. To love them deeply as Christ has loved us. To truly know them, not just know of them.
Are We Making Disciples?
These are some of Jesus’ last words to His disciples and they carry such an incredible weight. It is an intimidating thing to think that as Jesus’ followers this task…
March Madness
For those who love college basketball, it simply doesn’t get any better than this! They call it March Madness as college basketball heads toward crowning a new champion.
Being a Witness Takes a Village
Because we were not made to live out our Christian life alone, this means that we were are not able to be an effective witness for Christ on our own.
Go to Jerusalem before the ends of the earth
Jesus called us to share the Gospel with those across the world and across the street.