
Our Mission

Swift Creek Kid’s Ministry exists to help kids Gather together in community and learn the importance of worship, Grow in their understanding of who God is through Bible study — and pursue a relationship with God through faith in Jesus, Give of themselves in service to others, and be passionate about God’s love for us so that we will Go and share it with others!

Key Objectives

Using age appropriate curriculum, we aim to help kids grow in their understanding of the following:     

  • The Bible is God’s Word and the best way we have to know Him!
  • God is the creator of all things, He rules all things, and has power over all things.
  • God made people (Us!) special. We are created in His own image and designed for a relationship with Him!
  • Sin is what separates us from God and is why we need a Savior.
  • Salvation is possible because of Jesus. His perfect life, sacrificial death, and resurrection makes forgiveness possible.
  • We must respond to Christ’s sacrifice with faith and repent of our sins to be reconciled to God and be a part of His family, the Church!

Sunday Mornings

Check-in System

All kids (5th grade and below) must go through our Check-in System. We have volunteers ready to help first time families through the process!

You and your children will both receive a sticker; the child’s sticker has their name and emergency info while yours has a corresponding code for pick up!

You can check in at the Check-In Center located across from the Fellowship Hall or downstairs at the Preschool Check-In Center.

Campus Map

Children / 1st-5th Grade

9:30a: Children’s Connect Groups meet upstairs in the Children’s Hallway. Connect Groups are an awesome time for our kids to Gather together for age appropriate lessons. Each grade has a lead teacher and small group leaders for a unique mix of large and small group teaching formats including bible lesson, missions emphasis, songs and more. We are currently using the Gospel Project curriculum which takes students through the entire bible every three years.

11a: 1st through 5th grade children are welcome to join their parents in “Big Church,” or they can jump into Children’s Church! Children’s Church is intentionally designed to prepare our kids for corporate worship and to help build and practice habits of worship. During this hour, we create time for kids to build relationships with one another, study and learn about God through stories from Scripture, and find opportunities to worship and serve others.

Preschool / Infant-Kindergarten

9:30a: Preschool Connect Groups meet downstairs in the preschool hallway. Each classroom is designed to meet children with age-appropriate activities that teach the love of Jesus coupled with biblical truths.

11a: Our Preschool rooms will transition into a rotation of activities including puppet shows, Bible story videos, organized group games, and free play. This time is an awesome opportunity for kids to play, grow, build friendships, and experience that morning’s lesson in fun and unique ways.

Wednesday Nights


Awana Clubs provide an active program for all kids!

Join us Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45p for Awana! Children earn awards and kids cash as they play, learn, and complete their Handbook! Parents are encouraged to help their kids memorize Scripture, complete sections in the handbook, and progress through the Awana curriculum!

Awana has several special events: Awana Grand Prix, Awana Store, and much more!

Luke Long

Children’s Pastor

Ashley Long

Preschool Director

Tracey Beach

Children’s Connect Group Director