Swift Creek Baptist Church

Worship with us Sundays at 9:30am & 11am

We are excited that you have joined us online. We value relationships here at Swift Creek and we would love to get to know you better. A relationship with God is the most important relationship anyone can have. We invite you to consider whether or not you have a vibrant, love relationship with Christ. If you are looking for a place to belong, a place to call “home”, we invite you to join us for a worship service so that you can experience what God is doing at Swift Creek Baptist Church! – Pastor Monty Guice

More About Us

Here's What You Can Expect

What is a worship service like?

Our worship services are a blend of the excitement of modern Christian music and the comfort of traditional songs led by our Choir and Praise Team. Our goal is to encourage each person to join in worshiping our God through the power of His Spirit. If you don’t know the songs, don’t worry, the lyrics of the songs are displayed on a large screen at the front of the worship center so everyone can raise their voice and sing. Music is followed by a message from Senior Pastor Monty Guice.

Where should I park?

If you are visiting with us, we have designated guest parking located near the Main Entrance to the Worship Center so just follow the signs and look for the guest parking spots just past the flag pole.

Where do I go once I get there?

Our main entrance is at the front loop with a sign that says “Worship Center” above it. When you first walk in this entrance you will see a Visitor Center on your right where a church member will greet you and direct you where to go next.

Campus Map 

For Parents of Kids and Students

You are more than welcome to bring your children into the Worship Services, however, we have the perfect place for your infant through fifth grade children to go while you attend service. 

Infant through Kindergarten Both 9:30 and 11a services Infants through Kindergarten will be downstairs in the Preschool Department. The stairs and elevator are located past the Fellowship Hall and the grade-level classroom hallway.

1st through 5th grade 9:30a – Your children are welcome to join their appropriate grade level Connect Group class. 11a – Your children are invited to join the fun filled Children’s Church.

6-12th Grade are welcome to join us in the Refuge Student Building at 9:30a where they will break out into their connect groups. At 11am, students are invited to join their parents in the worship service.

What should I wear?

There is not a dress code at Swift Creek for members or visitors. Some dress in more traditional “Sunday Best” but most dress a little more casual. We think you’ll fit in no matter how you dress. The most important thing is simply to be yourself!

When watching services online

Watch services live every Sunday at 11a. Stream here on our website, or on Youtube or Facebook

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Sunday Morning Worship | February 2, 2025
Sunday Morning Worship | February 2, 2025

Recent Sermon

A Study of 2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 2:12-17

February 2, 2025 | Pastor Monty Guice

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