Classes for all ages are offered on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights. Sunday morning Connect Groups meet together for Bible study and fellowship every week. Wednesday Night Equipping Classes happen alongside children’s and student programming during the school year for specific topics of study or support.
Sunday Morning Connect Groups
Classes at 8am
Early Son Risers
Co-ed (50-75)
207 E
Art Avent
Co-ed (55-70)
Classes at 9:30am
Nathan and Grace Clark
College/Career (18-24)
Warren Pruett
CoEd (25-35)
Co-ed (25-40)
Building C
Chaz Starnes
Co-ed (35-45)
Room 121
Jamie Rutherford
Co-ed (30-50)
Music Suite
Brett McCreight
Co-ed (35-49)
207 H
Co-ed (35-60)
Alan Celoria
Co-ed (40-60)
207 BD
Co-ed (60+)
207 E
Carl Turner
Co-ed (55+)
207 F
Irene Reynolds
Women (60+)
207 A
207 C
Classes at 11am
Mary Garber
Women (25-60)
207 A
Jerry Keith
Co-ed (55-65)
Room 116
Jack Huntley
Co-ed (70+)
207 E
6th-12th grade students meet in the Refuge Student Building at 9:30a and then break into classes based on age/gender. All student classes are in the Refuge.
Visit the Kids ministry page to see complete information regarding infant through 5th grade Sunday morning ministry.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-7:45pm
January 8-May 14, 2025
No activities April 2 (Spring Break). Some classes may start or end other outside of the times listed above, those times will be listed alongside the class below!
Pastor’s Class
Music Suite
Pastor Monty Guice
The Great Themes of the Bible – Join us as we trace some major biblical themes from Genesis to Revelation in order to understand the larger story of redemption more fully.
Jack Huntley
Room 207 EG
We will continue the study of Revelation, beginning with the war in heaven, Revelation 12:7, and will finish the book by the end of the winter term. We will cover the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation, known as the great tribulation, then the millennial reign of Christ Jesus, and end with eternity future.
Marriage Study – Register here
Ronnie and Rosemary Campbell
Room 207 AC
January 15-March 26. “Love Like You Mean It” by Bob Lepine. This 11 week study is based on 1 Corinthians 13 and dives into how God describes and displays true love: the love your soul craves, the love God has designed for your marriage. Cost: $10/couple.
GriefShare – Register here
GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse on January 8 – Register here
Margena Worley
Room 118
January 15-April 16. Through support group, practical advice, and biblical study, Grief Share is a 13-week class for the church and community to help you face the loss of a spouse, child, family member, or friend—and move towards rebuilding your life.
Divorce Care – Register here
Shannon Rutherford
Room 116
January 8-April 9. Divorce Care is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You will learn how to heal from the deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future.
Prayer Group – Building I-16:15-7:30p. God called His house a “House of Prayer” in both the Old and New Testaments. We pray for revival, our country, the persecuted church, our local church, as well as a variety of personal needs. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power…” James 5:16
AWANA (2yrs – 5th Grade) – Register here
Fellowship Hall
Pastor Luke Long
Awana Clubs provide an active program for boys and girls on Wednesday nights during the school year. The evening is divided into 3 periods: Game Time, Large Group Time, and Handbook Time. The children enjoy a great evening of Bible learning, Scripture memory, and recreation. Children earn awards and wear them on their Awana shirts or vests. Nursery Available for children under 2 years.
Students (6th-12th Grade)
Pastor Mark Young
Refuge Student Building
Midweek Worship (Doors open 6pm, Worship 6:30-7:30pm, Social time until 8pm) Midweek Worship is our weekly time when we gather together to worship Christ through praising him in song and being challenged by His Word. It is an inviting atmosphere for students to be encouraged by building Christ-centered relationships and to know they belong in the family of God.
Adult Choir & Praise Band
Pastor John Blair
Worship Center/Music Suite
Choir 7:30-8:45p, Band 6:30-7:45p. Open to all 6th grade and up! No audition is required to join the Choir—just a heart full of worship and a love for singing. Become part of this impactful ministry, deeply rooted in community. If you’re interested in playing in the Band or Orchestra rotation, we ask that you have at least two years of experience with your instrument and schedule a musical interview with Pastor John. We hope you will join us as we embark on a new vision and direction for our Worship Ministry! Choir and Praise band rehearse year-round with a brief break in the summer for the Choir. Childcare available during Choir Rehearsal until 8:45p.
Kids Worship Choir – Register here
Amanda Tudor
Music Suite/Room 107
Our calling as a church is to raise the next generation of worshippers and train them with a heart of worship to the Lord. We have an incredible team of leaders, an exciting new vision, and opportunities for our kids to help lead worship on Sunday morning and special events like Christmas and more! Drop-off will begin at 5:30 in the Music Suite for 1st-5th grade and Preschool Room 107 for 4yrs-Kindergarten.
ESL Thursdays
No class April 3 (Spring Break)
David Peat Sr.
6-8pm. Swift Creek offers English as a Second Language classes free to the community during the school year. The 4 class levels focus on conversational English, as well as writing and grammar. Childcare is provided for free and no prior registration is needed. The only cost for the class is the workbook assigned to each level. If you would like to volunteer with this ministry, email
Women's Bible Study Tuesdays
TUESDAYS: January 14-April 15 9:30a, 6:30p in Person 1:30p Virtual
Study: “Revelation” by Jen Wilkin. You can understand every book of the Bible. Even this one. Study Revelation verse-by-verse to uncover how the last book of the Bible, the culmination of God’s great story, is accessible, helpful, and offers a steadying word of assurance and a call to endurance for the church in every age.
Book Cost $25 (scholarships available)
Childcare is available for AM study. Free for infant through 4yrs. Kindergarten through 5th grade: $20 per child, $50 family max.