When the mission to go and make disciples among the nations was announced in Matthew 28, Jesus didn’t give it to just one man, nor to North American or International Mission Boards. He gave it to the church.
The Power of “I AM”
I’ll admit it. There are times when I struggle with the belief that God is in control. A shooting in a high school. Months of unemployed job searching. An earthquake ravages a country into poverty.
The Burden of Silence
Confession is hard on all of us. From youth, our sin nature pushes us to hide from our wrongdoing, deny, pass blame, or only take partial responsibility.
Why Does an Expert Need a Coach?
Why does Tiger Woods need a golf coach?
Men’s Ministry April Update
Take nothing away from the emotion of that moment. An army which was all but lost in this war…a war which reduced many of their homes to rubble, destroyed families, pitted brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor…