Are you ready for worship on Sunday? In case you missed it, we put together a playlist of some of our regular worship songs (plus a few extra) to worship from home this week.
What Worship Looked Like
As a Worship Pastor, I am always seeking to lead the people of God to worship “in spirit and in truth” as Jesus said in John 4. If Paul is correct (and he is) that all Scripture is profitable for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17), then we should look to Scripture for principles to guide our worship.
New Music Monday – Only a Holy God
But why is He worthy? Because He alone is HOLY. It is God’s holiness that is the framework for every one of His attributes. He loves with a holy love. He executes holy justice (unlike humanity’s idea of justice).
New Music Monday: Build My Life
Here we are again. It is time to look at another song that will hopefully help you tune your heart to sing His praise. This song is fairly simple but has some deeply Biblical lyrics.
Song Spotlight: Living Hope
The song entitled “Living Hope” has been all over Christian radio as well as sung in churches across America since the album’s release in August. Let’s take a look at the lyrics and see if we can shout “Amen”.
Song Spotlight: Who You Say I Am
How did those words accord with God’s Word? As you read them, does it bring encouragement to your soul?
Song Spotlight: 1000 Tongues
This week I’m looking at the song “1000 Tongues” by Vertical Church Band, and I’m excited to join in worshiping with you through this song again in coming weeks.
Song Spotlight: O Praise the Name (Anástasis)
Hello church! As your Worship Pastor, so much of what I do seems to revolve…