If we only understand the Word of Christ by the help of the Spirit, then we must lean upon him in full dependence, asking him to help us understand, treasure, and obey the Word of God before we read our Bible. After all, apart from Christ we can do nothing
Where to Start!? GUIDE to Memorizing Scripture
I want to briefly give us a few (not all) Biblical mandates for why we should memorize God’s Word, and then I will present helpful methods for memorization that anyone can apply.
What We Believe: An Intro to Systematic Theology
Systematic theology is an attempt to draw truth from any and every source (primarily, the Bible) concerning God and express this truth simply in a comprehensive and complete system.
4 Phases of Biblical Transformation
I think it’s important to know that the Bible was not intended to merely inform us, but also to transform us. So, to “know” the Word is to know what it says and apply what it says. So, what’s the process to make that happen?
21 Day Challenge // BE. KNOW. DO.
Each part of Swift Creek’s mission statement has a Be, a Know and a Do element to help us, as followers of Christ, understand how to fulfill our God-given mission. This reading plan is specifically designed to better equip us to connect with God.
Is Something Missing From Your Bible Time?
And of course Bible reading is absolutely vital to the Christian life, and so is Scripture memory and Bible study. But perhaps the one Bible discipline that we don’t mention as often, and which is probably just as important as the others, is Bible meditation.