Question #5 is “What is our Pray4One focus of the month?”
We’ve been discussing questions that we want you, as members or attenders of Swift Creek, to know the answer to. First, let me explain what “Pray4One” is. Pray4One is our prayer emphasis of “one church praying for one month for one purpose.” Each month we will highlight a specific prayer need and pray for this need in our worship services during that month. We will also encourage you to include it during your own prayer time.
This month we are praying for opportunities to have gospel conversations with those who don’t know Jesus. They need to hear His story of love, grace, forgiveness and rescue. So, we are praying for those opportunities and inviting people to our Easter services.
By the way, I am so excited about your response to the sermon series/emphasis on gospel conversations. I’ve already heard from some of you of opportunities you’ve had or want to have. Keep up the good work! I want to remind you of some incredible tools to help you connect others to Christ…
Easter invitation cards—take some and invite someone to an Easter worship service with you
$10 gift card from Chick-fil-a—take someone to eat with the purpose of building a relationship and sharing the gospel with someone without Christ
I Can Only Imagine movie screening—Swift Creek is renting out a theater at Commonwealth 20 on Friday, March 23. Invite a friend to watch this movie which points to Christ. And by the way, we’re offering childcare for kids up to 5th grade! More info on this opportunity here.
Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out class—I will be leading this class on Wednesday evenings, starting April 11. Come and let’s learn together how to effectively share our faith in a natural way.
Swift Creek, thank you for remembering our Pray4One emphasis. God does many amazing things when we, as His people, pray.