Let the celebration begin! Swift Creek Baptist Church has a new partnership in Peru: Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Misionera “Cristo el Salvador”!
What a blessing it was to “connect” with these precious brothers and sisters (hermanos y hermanas) in Lima, Peru. They truly embody the mission of Swift Creek in a new and exciting way. Our team of Pastor Bryan, Jonathan Smith, Dave and Bre Neudeck, Mike Jennings and myself spent four days with them teaching, and in fellowship and worship. Through our interpreters Javier and Isaac, Pastor Bryan, Mike, Jonathan and Dave connected with the members of the church by leading workshops in Christian Doctrine. Bre and I spent our time with Alex, Adriel, Nayeli, Yareli, Dana, Kandace, and Edward…the very energetic and loving children of the church!
“Connecting with Others” was a joy as we met with the church in the morning and in the evening. Several afternoons we accompanied the members of Cristo el Salvador to their mission church in Jicamarca…an area up the mountain. In this dry and dusty place, we were able to pray over the area that God would provide Living Water through His church, and that people would come to know His salvation and Hope.
One of the most joyous things about Swift Creek for me is the connections I have to His people. I love to see each and every one of you. I love to hear how you are doing. I love to pray with you. I love to hug you. I love your smiles and your love for me. THAT was what I experienced in Lima from the church members that made me feel I was at home…just like here. When you enter the church, you are greeted by each and every member with a hug and a kiss. (VERY biblical!) And before you leave, you are hugged and kissed by every member of the church. What a blessing! I want to help YOU connect to some of these precious people by sharing a bit about them:
Yolanda is a leader in the church. Each Friday she and the women and their guests gather to knit and make crafts. They knit beautiful items and sell them for money for the church. Yolanda promised to teach me to knit AND cook when I return to visit!
Maritsa brought her granddaughter, Dana, to church each day during our visit. She also is part of the Ladies Craft Group who meets each week. I bought one of her beautiful sweaters and will wear it with loving thoughts of this precious hermana.
Pastor Zevallos is a man of God who leads his congregation to Connect with God, Connect with Others, and Connect Others to God. His heart for the Great Commission is evident for all to see.
Maribel Zevallos is the oldest daughter of Pastor and Senora Zevallos. Her heart for missions and the church leads her often to the jungles of Peru to take the Word of God to the people there who have never heard the Gospel.
Walter is one of the quiet, faithful men of the church. He was usually the first one to arrive at our sessions and worship. During our worship time on Sunday night, I watched as he praised His Savior and Lord.
These are just a few of our partners in Peru. Please pray for them specifically. Pray for the church as they continue to seek God’s guidance to grow in Him and to spread His Gospel. But more importantly, pray for Swift Creek. Pray that WE will seek God’s guidance as we partner with our brothers and sisters in Lima. Pray that we will look to see what gifts and talents WE can use to help train and encourage Cristo el Salvador to be light and hope to the members of their church, their community, and their mission in Jicamarca. Jesus said, “go and make disciples of all nations.” Let’s begin…in Peru.