How does it feel knowing someone is praying for you? When you’re experiencing some adversity, challenge, major decision or uncertainty in life…isn’t it comforting to know that someone is praying for YOU? That they are lifting YOUR name before the throne of God. That God hears YOUR name, and your situation. There’s something very powerful and reassuring about that.
John 17 is known as the “high priestly” prayer of the Lord Jesus. As someone said, “it is the holy of holies in Scripture, for it contains the greatest prayer ever prayed on earth, by the greatest man who ever lived.”
It is Jesus’ prayer for His twelve disciples, and for US, His disciples now. And the amazing thing about this prayer is that Jesus prays for US just prior to His being arrested and crucified. So, as Jesus is staring down impending death, He is thinking of US. What love!
And what is Jesus praying for us? He prays that He would be glorified in and through us. He prays that His people, the Church, would be one and unified. He prays a number of things, including lifting us up because we would be hated.
He prayed, “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (v. 14-16).
When we’re hated, or rejected, or persecuted, or maligned, or neglected…it’s so easy to get discouraged. In fact, it’s our usual default. Discouragement is our go-to emotion. But when you’re mistreated, remember this: Jesus is praying for you!
So, the next time you’re not liked or treated unjustly simply because you’re a follower of Jesus, remember that He is praying for you. He has your back! You are not forsaken. The very one who was mistreated would be shortly arrested and crucified is the One who is praying for you! He’s been there, done that, and is now praying for us!
“Father, I am humbled that that my Lord Jesus, at His darkest hour, was praying for me, and for His church that He loves. And I thank you that during my darkest hours, Jesus is praying for me. May I remember that the next time I’m mistreated. And may it encourage me to continue living for Jesus.”
Reflection Questions:
How are you encouraged by the fact that Jesus prayed for you?
How can your confidence in God’s love for you affect your actions, even in the face of those who hate you (John 17:14)?
When you say you’ll pray for others, do you really pray for them? Why is so easy to say we will pray and then neglect to do that?
When you’re experiencing personal challenges, do you continue to pray for others, or just solely focus on yourself?