“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
We are only a week removed from celebrating Christmas. Christmas is not just about decorations and presents or singing our favorite Christmas carols. Neither is it solely about the birth of a baby. It is a time to celebrate the eternal Word taking on flesh and living among us.
As we move into this new year, let us be mindful of the necessity of Jesus’ first coming, where He took on flesh and lived his life as fully human (while also being fully God). In order to accomplish His mission here on earth, it was a must that Jesus live a perfect and sinless life.
It is amazing to think that he faced all the same temptations that we do – but He was without sin. This is what allowed Him to be the ultimate sacrifice. His sinlessness allowed Him to be the spotless sacrificial lamb. Because He was perfect and had no sins of His own to pay for, He was able to make payment for all of our sins.
As we begin this new year, let’s give praise to God that Jesus took on flesh (His incarnation) and dwelt among us! Rejoice that the perfect righteousness of Christ has been credited to our account (2 Corinthians 5:23). Rejoice that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent Jesus…in the flesh!
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your amazing plan of redemption. Thank you that Jesus came in the flesh and took the punishment that I deserved. Thank you for his sacrificial death, and more importantly, for His victorious resurrection. Help me to recognize that Jesus is better and more satisfying than any sin that may tempt me. Help me to live in the victory of the Gospel!”
Reflection Questions:
What is your biggest temptation? Anger? Jealousy?
How can focusing on the Gospel and Jesus’ incarnation help overcome those temptations?
How does considering the incarnation help you love Jesus more earnestly?