I have the privilege of working on the Children’s Hall every Sunday with the 1st through 5th grade Connect Groups. I work with 17 dedicated adults and we share our Sundays with an average of 75 children each week!
They are loud, sometimes late, complain about their snacks, do not always listen the first time, and they want to go to the bathroom at the most inopportune time.
Sometimes they sit and look at us with blank expressions when we ask questions about the Bible lesson, making us wonder if they understood a word we said. But we love them and we are committed to having an eternal impact on their lives!
The Most Accessible and Impactful Mission Field
You have probably heard the statistics. Nearly half of all Americans who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before reaching the age of 13 (43%) (Barna, 2004). And those people are more likely to remain committed to Christianity as they age.
I was in that 43% because of caring adults at College Hill Baptist Church in Lynchburg Virginia who taught me in Sunday School each week! Their investment in my life still impacts me today!
Mr. and Mrs. Yates had so much energy and excitement on Sunday it was contagious. They made coming to Sunday School the best hour of the week! (Mr. Yates introduced me to Boston Baked Beans candy which I still love!)
Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson taught me that being a Christian was a lot more involved than just being at church on Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night (yes, in those days we went to church three times a week at a minimum).
They taught me my relationship with Jesus was something that should pervade every second of my life. And Mrs. Varner helped me to understand the importance of reading my Bible, studying what I read and applying it to my life so my faith would grow!
You can be a person’s Mr. or Mrs. Dickerson
God is calling two people in our congregation to join our children’s ministry team in the Fall. We are looking for two Small Group leaders, one for our 1st grade class and one for our 2nd grade class.
You will be joining 15 veteran teachers. Yes that is right, this is not a ministry where we have a high turnover rate. Our teachers love what they do!
Oh I hear those excuses already …let me answer a few common ones:
1) It is too much of a time commitment.
Yes it does take time, as anything worthwhile does. But you are studying your Bible every week anyway – right? Now you will have a ready-made study plan to follow as you prepare your lesson. And yes we ask you to serve each week so you can build a relationship with the children you serve but subs are available when you need to be out of town. We just ask that you plan ahead and make being in class on Sunday morning a top commitment…maybe it should be that way even if you are not teaching!
2) I cannot relate to children/ I do not know what to say or how to act.
You do not have to be the “coolest”, or the funniest, dress in the latest fad, have a degree in childhood education or be crafty. Children are looking for adults who have a genuine love of God, are kind and will listen to them. If you are willing to get to know the students, build relationships and share the Gospel with them….the rest will fall into place!
3) I do not know how to teach.
Yes teaching is a spiritual gift. But maybe you just have not exercised it yet! Our curriculum will lead the way. All of your supplies are taken care of and prepared for you every week. We will train you to use the curriculum and provide everything you need. If this is what God has called you to do….then you can!
4) I need to be in my own Connect Group so my faith can grow.
Well we study the same Bible on the Children’s Hall! You will grow in your faith each week as you prepare your lesson and the Holy Spirit applies it to your life. Teaching will likely help you grow more than your students.
German Theologian and Professor Helmut Thielicke required all of his doctoral students to teach a children’s Sunday School class while studying theology for their advanced degrees. He believed that if you could articulate the Gospel truth to a child in a way the child understood then you really understood your theology. You will continue to learn about the Bible and grow in your faith as you serve in Children’s Ministry!
Serving the Lord in Children’s Connect Groups could be the most rewarding service of your life! The faithfulness of Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson and Mrs. Varner are still impacting my life today. Imagine the blessing it would be to have this kind of impact as part of your legacy? We have 15 committed teachers who are building their legacy by investing in the lives of our kids. Is God calling you to be a part of the team?
Join us on the Children’s Hall this Fall and help change a life! Email me at Tracey.Beach@swiftcreekbaptist.org for more information!
Tracey H. Beach