Through the years I have gone through several phases of listening to different kinds of music. I grew up listening to Rock and Roll in part because my father liked Chuck Berry and many of the early rock artists from the 1950’s. I am currently in more of a country phase and I was listening to a country station as I drove the kids to school this morning. One of the songs we heard was Five More Minutes by Scotty McCreery.
In this song McCreery longs for just five more minutes of his high school football playing days among other things. But he also wants five more minutes to talk with his grandfather who is about to pass away. He laments the fact that this life has no pause button. I think there is a lot of truth to that feeling. There are times in our lives when we would like to pause or even rewind so as to stay in the moment or to relive a special moment. Of course there are other times in our lives when we wish we could fast forward through a difficult season or situation, but most of us spend time thinking of the good times.
I think most of us would love to have those five more minutes to spend with a special loved one who has passed away. I think about my dad and some of the things I wish I had said to him more clearly before he died. I trust I will see my dad again in heaven, but why is it we seem to wait until it is too late to have a truly meaningful conversation? The more I thought about this idea of “five more minutes” the more I thought about the need to take the time and say what needs to be said NOW…so we are not left longing for more minutes…when there are no more minutes.
Hebrews 10:24-25 says, And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as in the habit of some, but encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
One of the greatest callings we have as Christians is to encourage one another. We have all been blessed with people in our lives that have made a tremendous impact on us. They have pushed us to be the best we can be, challenged us to live lives that honor the Lord, and invested their time, effort, and energy for our good.
Let’s take the time NOW to tell these people how much we appreciate all they have done for us. If anyone has been an inspiration or encouragement to you, take the Next Five Minutes and let them know! It will be such an encouragement to them and you will not be left longing for Five More Minutes –wishing you had another chance to say the things you wish you had said while you had the opportunity.
The encouraging words you share with these special people could be said face to face, in a phone call or even an email or a text. I have two hand written notes of encouragement on my desk right now (thanks Mary and Karen) that I treasure because of the encouragement they brought me! So let this serve as a challenge to “encourage one another”. None of us are promised tomorrow so let’s say what needs to be said today!