You’ve heard that Swift Creek’s annual Fall Festival is the greatest outreach event we have all year. This past Monday, Pastor Bryan wrote a blog about why we hold this event every year. Please check out his blog here.
As Pastor Bryan stated in his blog, we will probably have 40-50 families who do not have a church home attend our Fall Festival and approximately six months’ worth of visitors on our campus on one night. We will try to connect with these families at the Fall Festival by giving each child a goodie bag that contains a gospel tract. And we will also send them information about Swift Creek, and inviting them to our worship services and events.
The Challenge
These efforts can be powerful in someone’s life, but there is something else that can be transformative in their lives…and that is someone sharing the gospel with them. And that’s where you come in! I want to encourage you to be a part of our Fall Festival Challenge by intentionally looking to have gospel conversations with people at our Fall Festival.
I want to ask you to come into our Fall Festival having prayed for opportunities to speak with people. Try to start conversations with them. It can be as simple as welcoming them to Swift Creek, and getting to know them a little bit. Then, if there is an opportunity, try to have a natural conversation with them about Jesus and His love for them.
Now, I fully realize that it will be difficult to have these conversations with many people. I can think of young parents who are being dragged by their kids to experience all of the fun at Fall Festival. These parents might be exhausted, or simply watching their kids. So, I get that (trust me…with four kids of my own, I get that!). But for other people, there will be plenty of opportunities to strike up conversations with them. There will be time for you to introduce yourselves, get to know them a little, invite them to church, and tell them something about Jesus.
Would you please commit to do this with at least one person at our Fall Festival? If you have a meaningful conversation with someone, please let one of us pastors know. We want to be able to celebrate with you, and perhaps tell others to encourage them. It’s not very often we will have this many lost and/or unchurched people on our campus…let’s use this event as a way to share the greatest news!
By the way, if you would like to learn a great way to share the gospel, check out this video: