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Women’s FunShops

April 28, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - April 29, 2023 @ 2:30 pm


April 28, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
April 29, 2023 @ 2:30 pm
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Fellowship Hall
United States


Bre Neudeck

Event Details

April 28, 6-9p (dinner included)
April 29, 8:30a-2:30p (breakfast and lunch included)
Cost: $25

You asked for it…a return of FUNSHOPS! Join us (and bring a friend) for a great weekend of worship, teaching, fellowship and fun as we focus on “Flourishing in Wisdom”. The weekend includes large group worship and teaching and of course TONS of breakout sessions to choose from. 

Breakout session descriptions listed below!

Registration is closed.

Breakout Sessions

A. Exploring “READ: A Bible Study Plan for Unpacking God’s Word” – Sarah Poynter
Have you wanted to dive in and study God’s Word on your own but feel overwhelmed or ill-equipped? Come explore this helpful method for studying the Bible and learn how to get more out of your time in the Word.

B. A Bird’s Eye View of the Bible – Nancy Davis
When you try to look up a passage in the Bible, do you feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t know what she’s doing? Are the books of the Bible all jumbled in your mind? Would you like to get a better understanding of the Bible’s general story line? We will cover how the Bible is laid out and what’s in it, seeing Jesus in the Old and the New Testaments, and how scripture fits into human history and into your life. What to bring: your Bible and a pen.

C. Spiritual Growth: It’s not a microwave situation! – Cynthia Hart
Learn about the process of letting your life flow out of the heart of God. Learn practical ways to grow deeper and see bigger in your journey to spiritual growth and maturity. After all, you are His workmanship, in the ordinary, the mundane, and even the suffering. The journey is extraordinary and God is the Master craftsman!

D. Missions: Cultivating a Heart for the Nations in your Home – Renee Young 
We want to love the nations, but how? What does that look like while living in urbanized America? Does it mean I have to go to the other side of the world? This Fun Shop will show you what it means to have a heart for people who might speak Hausa, maybe eat whale, or even live in a collapsible reindeer hut. This Fun Shop will provide practical ways and helpful tips you can immediately use in your home to help your whole family cultivate a heart for the nations.

E. Finding Calm in a Scary World: Anxiety Coping Strategies – Tammy Scott
As Christian women we all have heard Philippians 3:6-7 the “Do not be anxious” verse. Have you ever felt like a failure because you aren’t feeling that “peace of God that transcends understanding”? You’re not alone – and there is help.

F. Spiritual Warfare and Prayer: A Light in the Dark – Kristie & Mia Blyseth
Mother and daughter will be sharing their story of spiritual warfare and the power of prayer. “My transition to adulthood, being 22 years old in 2023, and the ways in which the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, a doubting child, the Grace of God.” -Mia Blyseth 1 Corinthians 13: 11-13

G. Intentional Grandparenting – Dianne Bruton
This session will explore ideas and suggestions for passing on a legacy of faith to our grandchildren as we point them to Jesus. The Holy Spirit inspires and enables us uniquely and individually as we invest in our grandchildren’s lives with intentionality.

H. Hope Deferred…Waiting on the Lord – Melanie Pruett  
We live in a face-paced, instant gratification, click of a button culture. We don’t want to wait. We don’t like to wait. But sometimes God calls us to wait…to wait for a cure, a job, a spouse, grief to pass, happiness to come…the list goes on. And although there are many seasons and reasons for waiting on the Lord, the painful road of infertility can be especially devastating for the Christian wife. By sharing my personal journey through infertility, it is my prayer that the scriptures and Biblical truths we look at will be helpful to anyone who is waiting on the Lord. Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

I. Gardening and Homesteading – Amanda Toney
Spring is here and new life is all around us! Let’s get started gardening, canning, and becoming more self-sufficient.

J. Tea Talk – Shannon Lloyd
Learn about the benefits of and taste the differences in several types of tea!

K. Camping and Glamping – Michelle Mason
From Tents to Cabins, Yurts, and Campers. Discover where to go in Virginia and must haves for what to bring. Cooking – or not – and how to make it easy.

L. Walking Around the World – June Peat
I’ve walked around the world! You can too! We will talk about not only how you can accomplish this journey, but also how your walk with the Lord can be enriched. 

M. Oh, My Word! The Call to Write – Christin McKey
Has God called you to write? This intro to the world of the written word will explore the ways to answer that call. An overview of the art and discipline, various forms, publishing tips, and resources are included.

N. Meal Planning 101 – Jessica Knowles
Feeding ourselves and others well is a good gift, but it can sometimes be overwhelming. Learn how meal planning can make meal time more organized and less stressful.

O. Marriage: Good to Great! – Rosemary Campbell
How do we invest in our marriages so they will thrive and become a testimony of God’s love? We will look at tips and great resources to inspire us and enable us to glorify God through our marriage relationships. 

P. Skin Care – Shannon Hill
Does being refreshed and restored really matter? Come visit me for a time of relaxation and treatment. Harvested botanicals are bursting for targeted skin solutions.

Q. Furniture Fixer Upper – Maddie Johnson
Come learn the fundamentals for refurbishing neglected / old furniture and the beauty that can be enhanced through precise sanding, priming, painting, staining and more! Refurbishing furniture is such a great way to see the progression of hard work and dedication as well as spicing up home decor.

R. Crochet for Beginners – Jennifer Kroon & Karen Eudailey
We will learn the basics of crochet as we start a project together that you can finish on your own!

S. Basic Hair Tips for YOU! – Tammy Cooper & Kendall Tallent 
Do you struggle with your hair? Is it too (fill in the blank)? Whether it is Curly, Course, Straight, Thick, Fine and/or Thin, we will offer helpful tips for YOUR hair – The hair God created for YOU! Bring your questions and let us share our 50+ years of hairstyling. (Questions/Answers/Demo)

T. Organizing Your Home…and Life – Terri Reynolds
Need some tricks and tips to help you better organize all the things? We’ll be talking about decluttering, setting realistic goals, how to schedule tasks, and how to keep your deadlines while having fun doing it!

U. Lettering – Erin Blackwell
Learn the basics of lettering with a brush pen!

V. What do I do with a Cricut – Meredith Edwards
Learn the basics of using Cricut design space and your machine to create beautiful and fun shirts, mugs, and more. You will be up and crafting in no time!