In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor
Join us for a 9-session study on the book of Romans. We will walk through Paul’s powerful letter to see the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel which doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality. And as the good news of the gospel of grace unfolds through Romans, it will compel you to proclaim God’s glorious salvation to all.
TUESDAYS, January 10-March 28
9:30a-Noon In-Person, Fellowship Hall (register for childcare below)
6:30-8p In-Person, Fellowship Hall
1-2:45p Virtual
WEDNESDAYS, January 11-March 29
In-Person: 6:30-7:45p, Building C (AWANA available for 2yrs-5th grade, nursery open for under 2yrs)