When you are studying the attributes of God, of course you must think of his mighty creative power. After all, the first verse in the Bible declares that God created everything!
Search Me Oh God!
Psalm 139 begins with David proclaiming God’s omniscient nature. You can easily see how humbling it is to recognize that God knows everything about you. He knows your every word even before it is spoken…
Take Refuge in the Unchanging Truth of God
Immutable is not a word we use in our everyday vocabulary, but in simple terms it means something or someone is unchangeable. It is helpful to think of it as…
Our Infinite God: Developing an Eternal Perspective
Do you know the oldest documented person outside the Bible to have ever lived? The oldest verified person on record is French woman Jeanne Calment (1875–1997), who lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days…
The Center of the Universe
We often think of God in very human terms… and this is right in many ways because we are made in His image, but to think of God the Father in human terms is also wrong because He is so unlike us!
The Perfect King
God is absolutely sovereign. To understand the depth of that statement, consider these mind-boggling truths…