“What’s your ministry?” Someone asked me this question a few years ago. The question came as just part of casual conversation at a Bible study group in my neighborhood. “My ministry? Ummm…do I have one?” I thought.
Global Ministry in Your Backyard: ESL
With so many countries represented, ESL at Swift Creek is an amazing opportunity to reach many parts of the world with the Gospel.
NEW Peru Partnership: Cristo el Salvador
What a blessing it was to “connect” with these precious brothers and sisters (hermanos y hermanas) in Lima, Peru. They truly embody the mission of Swift Creek in a new and exciting way.
A Beautiful, Yet Broken City
Montreal is a city of 4 million people and 99.3% of them are lost, making it the most lost city in North America. A large portion of the week was spent doing evangelism training, going out and serving in the city, and also engaging people in the neighborhood parks in gospel conversations.
Student Mission Report: Atlanta
God is working mightily in our student ministry this summer! Read a story of what happened while we served in Atlanta this past June.
Guatemala Missions Trip
Two weeks ago thirteen intrepid Swift Creek Baptist Church members headed to Guatemala. The goal of the trip: to show Christ to 350+ battered and neglected children at Casa Para Niños Aleluya.
A New Vision for International Missions
We came away very excited about the potential of starting this partnership, where we envision our church sending a team there 3-4 times a year.
Missions is Not the Goal, Worship Is.
This is why we do missions. Missions is not an end in itself. As Piper said, it is not the goal.